Juan Satrústegui. Natural Hazards MAPFRE RE - Madrid
After the Chile earthquake of 27/2/2010, some
interesting thoughts are emerging on aspects
relating to management of the catastrophe
- The fault rupture occurred over an area
measuring more than 400 x 100 kilometres.
The Chilean insurance sector traditionally
considers high-intensity earthquake
scenarios, but for a more limited
geographical area affected. It is common for
many catastrophe reinsurance treaties to
parameterise their capacity with respect to
their aggregates in CRESTA zone III, or in
zones II+III. Obviously, these are control
zones, given that most of the country’s
exposure is concentrated there. But it would
not be inappropriate to operate with wider
scenarios affecting not only this group of
zones but also adjacent regions.
- Naturally, different portfolios of insured risks
have experienced different claims behaviour,
due amongst other things to their
composition in terms of class of business,
the exact geographical location of risks, the
type and year of construction of structures
and the type of insurance.
- Residential risks: although these generally
show more homogeneous vulnerability, the
year of construction and the type of
insurance (more limited cover in some
mortgage insurances) also affect the final
amount of loss.
- Commercial risks: these are by definition
more heterogeneous, given that their vulnerability is conditional upon the type
of activity (structure and contents).
- Industrial and engineering risks: Regions
VII and VIII are very industrial, and many
mega-industries were therefore seriously
affected by the earthquake. The main
losses were due not only to damage to
buildings and contents, caused either by
the quake or the tsunami which lashed the
coasts of Maule and Biobío, but also to
Business Interruption (BI) cover. Some
individual losses incurred by these
industries -and they are still being
quantified- are going to run into hundreds
of millions of USD.
- Earthquake loss scenarios do not tend to
contemplate the risk of tsunami and
earthquake together in any country. Given
the historical frequency of earthquakes with
a magnitude greater than Mw 8 in Chile, it
is likely that other major earthquakes
happening in Chile in the future will also be
accompanied by tsunamis.
- In general, the Chilean insurance market is
improving the detail and processing of
information on sums insured making up its
earthquake exposure and sharing this with
its reinsurers. Better information contributes
to better assessment of the risk for everyone,
especially using the catastrophe risk models
available nowadays. In Europe -with the
impetus from Solvency II- and also in various
countries in Latin America, the guidelines
on catastrophe reserving are accordingly
being reviewed, with calls being made for
models to be used to estimate the individual
risk of each portfolio for a certain return
period, and for them to be fed with detailed
data on portfolios, so that they can be
adapted as much as possible to the
portfolios’ characteristics. In this way the
high figure for aggregates currently allocated
to CRESTA Zone VI (Floating) will also be
reduced, with many risks instead being
included in the actual zones where they are
- The Chilean Securities and Insurance
Supervisory Authority’s regulations on the
setting-up of earthquake catastrophe
reserves by insurers date from 1993. These
regulations require insurance companies to
establish a reserve based on the amounts
for the most exposed CRESTA zone, applying
a PML of 10% for material damage and of
15% for engineering risks and BI covers, less
reinsurance and plus a 10% safety margin.
Although it is possible that these regulations
will continue to be sufficient, making the
most of the large quantity of figures available
after this big earthquake, the sector is
currently bringing the regulations up for
discussion and the various agents are in talks
to develop them further.
CRESTA map of earthquake zones in Chile
CRESTA- Catastrophe Risk Evaluating and Standardizing Target Accumulations
https:// www.cresta.org
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