Whistle-blowing Channel

Important information you should bear in mind

  1. If possible identify the people directly responsible for the irregularity.
  2. Describe the irregularity.
  3. Provide, where possible, supporting documents


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Supporting documents - Attach files

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The employee is informed and expressly consents to the processing of the data provided voluntarily through the electronic form of Whistle-blower Channel for Financial and Accounting Complaints of the MAPFRE Group and any documentation to support your report that you have provided to MAPFRE S.A., in addition, as the case may be, international communications or transfers of data which may be undertaken for purposes detailed in the additional information on data protection.

The employee shall be liable, in any case, for the veracity of the data provided, and MAPFRE S.A. reserves the right to reject false reports, without prejudice to any other actions pursuant to the law.

Basic information on data protection:

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