Authorities of the Audit Committee
Securities Market Act (former)
18th Additional
Securities Market Act) (new)
18th Additional
Governance Code
18th Article
1. – Inform the General Meeting. 1. – Inform the General Meeting.
2. – Supervision of internal audit services. 2. – Supervision of internal audit services. 1º b - Periodically review the internal control and risk management systems.
3. – Knowledge of the financial information process and internal control systems. 3. – MONITOR the process of preparing and presenting regulated financial information. 1ºa - Monitor the process of preparing and the integrity of financial information.
4. - Propose the appointment of the auditors.

5. – Establish relations with the auditors in order to receive information on matters that may put their independence at risk.
4. – Propose the appointment of the auditors.

5. – Establish relations with the auditors in order to receive information on matters that may put their independence at risk. Each year they must receive from the auditors written confirmation of their independence, as well as information on additional services performed.

6. – Issue each year a report in which an opinion is given on the independence of the auditors.
2ºa - Submit to the Board proposals for the selection, appointment, re-election and replacement of the external auditor.

2ºb - Regularly receive information from the external auditor.

2ºc - Ensure the independence of the external auditor.
1ºc - Ensure the independence and effectiveness of the Internal Audit function.

1ºd - Establish and monitor a mechanism that allows employees to report irregularities.

Note: Numerical references at columns A and B are sections that belong to the 18th Additional regulation included at the Securities Market Act (former and new, respectively).
In Column C, numbers correspond to sections within the 18th article at MAPFRE’s Good Governance Code.